Central Desktop is back!

Central Desktop is back!

We're putting the band back together

April 1, 2024

Nietzche originally wrote about the eternal recurrence but Matthew McConaughey immortalized it as the character Rust Cohle in True Detective:

We are proud to announce that iMeetCentral has been acquired - by the original founding team of Central Desktop! The company will be, once again, known as Central Desktop - going back to its origin at the company's founding in 2005. The acquisition also comes with an infusion from the Founders to invest in the company and the platform.

The company went through a common startup arc of Foundation -> Bootstrapped -> Venture Capital -> Scale -> Acquisition in 2014....but then it took a turn after the acquiring company was taken private by Siris Capital in 2016. From there, the journey twists and turns for several years as the various owners tried to figure out what to do with the Central Desktop.

We've always been proud of the customers that used Central Desktop over the years - many of whom are still with us for more than a decade! We saw this as an opportunity to step-in, get reacquainted with our customers and invest in the platform. The vision for what Central Desktop could be has always been ambitious - we'd like to continue that original, founding vision and build on this great foundation.

For now, don't expect anything radical to change - the trustworthy platform will always be here. Over the coming weeks and months, though, we plan on expanding the vision of what Central Desktop can be and take it to the next level.

We look forward to talking to each an every one of you to gather your feedback, your insights and hear about what you love about Central Desktop and what we can do to make it even better!

The band is back together!

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